Silo Towers

Silos are one of the few types of omnivorous Towers, and some simpler Silos are thought to be fully carnivorous. Their high metabolisms put them at risk of fire injury, with a higher mortality rate due to their simple body plans. Ranging from 10-90 feet in width and growing as tall as 250', Silos are highly visible key players in many agricultural ecosystems. When many Silos grow close together, they may entangle themselves and become internally interlinked. Some other structures may form similarly intimate connections with Silos in order to feed off the large volumes of digested material.



Silos' diets can be quite varied in certain conditions, but by far the most common are simple thresh-feeding Silos. With the help of local agricultural vessels, these Towers subsist on threshed grain and roughage. Using specialized appendages such as grain elevators, Silos can eat massive quantities of material in a single sitting, which can take days or years to digest. While the precise extent of factors affecting silo digestion are not yet known, under some circumstances a silo may sometimes ferment its food during the processes. They heavily rely on other members of their ecosystem to dispose of digested matter, which is an important component of many adaptid food chains.

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